Just Quilty Stuff · Rose Cards · villa rosa designs

NEW June VRD Rose Card Quilt Patterns and a Quilt Show

Happy Thursday to you!

Summer is here! Let the good times roll! Get out there and soak up some sunshine! That’s an order!

Sorry….I know I said I was going to do a table runner tutorial this week, but I just had to show off the new Rose Card patterns for June and share my recent quilt show experience with you. We’ll save the table runner for next week, I promise.

What a special day — today is the Thursday after the first Friday of the month. And you know what that means!



Yay! Here they are. Aren’t they fun? I don’t think you’ll go wrong with whichever pattern you chose to make first. They are all equally great.

Get the June pattern set HERE

(sorry, no digital pattern sets)

Want a F-U-N way to get started on a summer quilt? Order a kit from VRD, of course! You can see all of our kit offerings HERE. In fact, some of the new patterns, above, still have kits available. They’re going fast, though, so get yours before they’re gone.

NEVADA in Porch Swing 36″x 45″ (cover of pattern)

NEVADA in Wild Abandon 36″x 45″

S’MORES in Tan 51″x 68″ (cover of pattern)

S’MORES in Kaffe 51″x 68″

S’MORES in Misty Garden 51″x 68″

HOPPY SCOTCH Color Collage 45″x64″ (cover of pattern)

But wait! There’s more! (Sorry, it looks like I’m in an exclamation kind of mood today. I’m not really yelling at you, though, just excited.)

No table runner this month due to technical difficulties, but check out these cute little Buzzy Bee Snack mats! And no stingers, so you can enjoy them safely, even if you’re allergic.

Get your Buzzy Bee Snack Mat physical pattern HERE

or the digital pattern HERE

Now that you’ve seen the new patterns for June, let me tell you about the quilt show I went to last week.

The HAAEQG stands for Hands All Around Erie Quilt Guild. It’s actually been a couple years since I’ve been to an actual quilt show, so when I saw the poster on Facebook, I was so ready for a huge inspiration shot in the arm. And I wasn’t disappointed. We filled up the car with my 3 crazy quilting cousins (I call them the Cuz Crew) — Kim, Robin, and Lisa — and me (Hi there Cuz Crew!). We headed to Erie, PA (about 30 minutes away) for a FART (Fabric Acquisition Road Trip). We found the church where the show was being help, but we decided to find somewhere to eat because I wasn’t quite sure whether there would be food at the show, but of course there was).

The church was a couple streets over from the medical center where I’ve been taking my Mom for her appointments, and we’d recently had a very good lunch at the neighboring hospital cafeteria. So when we ended up by the medical center and hospital, I suggested we eat at the cafeteria. Maybe you think that’s a little weird, but — hey — the food is good and you have a lot of options in the food court. Everyone was game, so off to the hospital cafeteria we went.

Yum! The food was great! 3 of us had hot turkey sandwiches with either real mash potatoes and gravy or a broccoli rice casserole and/or a lovely veggie mix. Wish I’d thought to take a photo of all that food for you, but I imagine drooling on your device wouldn’t be such a great idea, would it?

Yup, now we were all powered up for the Quilt Show and back to the church we went.

Would you believe one of the first quilts I saw was my VRD Rose Card pattern Sisterhood made up in a lovely calming neutral palette.

Here I am with that gorgeous Sisterhood quilt, made by MaryBeth Cook, a member of the HAAEQG.

Here’s the Sisterhood Rose Card pattern in case you can’t really get an idea of the actual design or if you haven’t added this top seller Rose Card to your collection. I love how the neutral shades really change the whole look of the quilt, don’t you?

You can find Sisterhood HERE.

I was so excited and couldn’t wait to share the news with my Cuz Crew, who had already started to wander. A guild member was nearby and heard me. She got really excited, too, and told me not to move so she could get her sister, who had made the quilt.

This is how I met MaryBeth Cook (Hey there, MaryBeth!). What a lovely way to meet a new quilting friend and VRD fan!

Here we are together, posing in front of MaryBeth’s gorgeous quilt, which she made for her daughter. Lucky daughter, indeed! I didn’t get to ask you, MaryBeth, but what drew you to the Sisterhood pattern?

Now, let me tell you about the quilt show. There were somewhere between 350-400 or so quilts on display in every style, technique, and color combination you could think of! They were amazing! I must admit that I was a real slowpoke looking at and photographing quilts. By the time I did a spot of shopping, the Cuz Crew were sitting and waiting for me. Sorry. Not sorry. Meeting MaryBeth, seeing her Sisterhood quilt, and oohhing and aahhing over all the quilts really made my day. My cuz, Robin, told me later that she hadn’t seen me smile so much for a long time.

There were 2 very cool things going on at the quilt show, in addition to the quilts, that made the show experience even more fun:

  1. When you entered the show, you were given a sheet of paper with numbered lines on it for a Scavenger Hunt. Hidden amongst the quilts in the show were quilt blocks from an Underground Railroad quilt. The quilt was on display at the front table for reference. We had to write the correct quilt block name next to each number and then return the completed list to the table to register for prizes. What fun!
  2. Throughout the show quilt blocks were lined up alphabetically depicting a quilter’s alphabet. It was a show within a show!

While I enjoyed each and every quilt, I took photos of some of my favs to make you a slide show. Please note that each quilt’s maker information/story is the slide following the quilt in my slide show.

Why do I include the maker information??? It’s important to share the maker’s name and story not only to celebrate the maker’s accomplishment, but also to acknowledge that they are the creator of that quilt.

So, grab a frosty glass of sweet tea and watch my little slide show full of quilts from the HAAEQG Quilt Show!

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the wonderful quilts on display at the quilt show. I have been enjoying looking at them a few more times myself! There would have been more photos, but on many of them I jerked or moved which resulted in a smear of colors — pretty, but not identifiable as a quilt. Oops! Next time, I’ll take my time and take better photos. Uh Oh, Cuz Crew, I’ll be even slower next time. Just sayin’……..

Huh. Would you believe that I walked out without turning in my Underground Railroad Scavenger Hunt paper before we left? Oh well.

Sending out a big round of applause to the HAAEQG for the wonderful Quilt Show they put on! Look forward to the next one! You can check out HAAEQG on Facebook HERE.

I am now bubbling over with lots of great ideas for new quilts and patterns. Now I just have give myself the time to get to use all that inspiration for good, not evil (Waahaahaa!).

Off to my sewing machine!

Until next week —


Tricia @VRD

8 thoughts on “NEW June VRD Rose Card Quilt Patterns and a Quilt Show

  1. Beautiful new designs, all are inspirational, but Kingpin and the Bee snack mat are definitely calling my name to make.


  2. How do I change my shipping address. Just placed an order and it is going to the

    wrong address. New address is 415 Mt. Sequoia Ct., Clayton, CA 94517 Order for

    June patterns set. Sherri Thurman qultfan@aol.com Please correct. Thank you.


      1. Thank you I have two different address at different times of the year. How do I put the address I am curently at when I order?


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